Singing Guide: Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam

Singing Guide: Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam is a well-known American band that was active from the mid-1980s to early 1990s. Their music was a blend of R&B, dance-pop, and freestyle, and they were praised for their catchy hooks and upbeat tunes. Lisa Velez, also known as Lisa Lisa, was the lead singer of the group, and she had a distinctive vocal style that contributed to their success. In this article, we will explore the unique vocal techniques used by Lisa Lisa and how to learn singing like her.

One of the most remarkable things about Lisa Lisa's voice is her impressive range. She can sing high notes with incredible ease, and her voice is very versatile. To sing like Lisa Lisa, you need to develop a good vocal range. You can start by taking the vocal range test offered by Singing Carrots to determine your range. Once you know your range, you can start working on expanding it. The Pitch Training tool can help you practice hitting high notes and building your range.

Another unique aspect of Lisa Lisa's singing style is her use of vibrato. She uses vibrato to add depth and emotion to her singing. You can learn how to sing with vibrato by watching the Singing with Vibrato video provided by Singing Carrots. Practicing this technique can help you sound more like Lisa Lisa.

Breathing is also crucial to developing a singing style like Lisa Lisa's. She has excellent breath control, which allows her to hit high notes and sing with power and intensity. The Farinelli Breathing video provided by Singing Carrots is an excellent exercise to improve your breathing and develop better breath control. Learning how to support your voice with proper breath control can help you sing like Lisa Lisa.

Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam's music is upbeat and catchy, with a lot of emphasis on hooks and melody. If you want to sing like Lisa Lisa, you need to practice singing along to their songs. The Song Search tool provided by Singing Carrots can help you find Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam songs that match your vocal range. Once you have found some suitable songs, use the tips provided in the How to Learn a Song Effectively article to practice and master them.

In conclusion, Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam were a highly successful group with a unique vocal style that can be emulated with practice. By developing your vocal range, practicing vibrato, improving your breath control, and singing along to Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam's songs, you can learn to sing like Lisa Lisa. Use the resources and tools provided by Singing Carrots to help you develop your skills and reach your full potential.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.